Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Michelle's bubba belly | Melbourne maternity photographer

How cute are these two? Seriously. They obviously adore each other and their bebe. Only a couple more weeks for Michelle and Daniel to meet their little bundle! So very exciting! Michelle was so so gorgeous and such a trooper on Sunday... traipsing all over the park wearing high heeled boots! She deserves a medal! I don't think I could have done it at 37 weeks... Thankfully she did swap to some flatties, so I felt much less guilty for moving from one end of the park to the other.

Enjoy your little preview Michelle and Daniel... Soon bubba will be on the outside and you'll almost forget what it's like to be pregnant. Almost ;-)




Belinda Cook said...

Beautiful images Mandy! I absolutely adore the first one. Gorgeous mummy-to-be too, love her in her boots.

sheila higgins said...

love the location and the images you captured!

Unknown said...

Love them Mandy..beautiful light and gorgeous mum to be. How neat and tidy is that bump! 37 weeks? Amazing!

Leah Kua said...

Doesn't she look so radiant and excited for what's to come! I love how naturally beautiful these are.

djbphotography said...

Aww, such lovely images Mandy.

They look so happy, Mum-to-be is gorgeous!!

Melissa Stampa Photography said...

Ahhh, glowing happy pregnant people! Gorgeous set.

susan wall said...

they are a cute couple. that is bound to be one beautiful baby too, cant wait to see!