Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Good golly miss Holly...

... you take my breath away. *love*

This chubby and most adorable little bean belongs to my dear friends Felicia and Gregg, who I had the pleasure of doing a maternity shoot with a few weeks ago. Remember the long grass, awesome sunflare, and the cactuses? lol. Check out their shoot HERE!

Anyway, a couple of weeks after our shoot the gorgeous miss Holly made her entrance into this big wide world of ours, stunning her parents who thought she would be a boy, and giving cause to celebrations in households all over Victoria (including mine!)!!

She really is one of THE cutest babies I have ever seen. The cheeks! The hair! The toes (lol)!! And not only was she a cutie, but also incredibly chilled and peaceful.

So without further ado, I present to you Holly! She brings sunshine into the lives of many, and is destined for beauty and greatness. I can't wait to watch you grow little one, and look forward to being part of your life for many many years.

Enjoy Flea and Gregg. Love you guys.

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1 comment:

Amy said...

.... wow Mandy I'm speechless. These photos bought tears to my eyes. You are so!!! talented and my little niece is just so beautiful. The pic of the 3 of them is wonderful. Will definitely need to get some prints of these!!!