Monday, 13 July 2009

Lil sis, Wolfie and the belly...

My little sister is pregnant with her second baby, affectionately named Wolfie. I've been DYING to get photos of her glorious pregnant belly. She wanted to wait until she was a bit bigger, and generally I would say around 32-36 weeks would give the best photographic results, but Wolfie is a bit on the large side (poor sis, I hope he has a small head!) so we went ahead anyway.

So here she is. My lil sis, my lil nephew and one gorgeous tum. Thanks babe. Love ya xox

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Netra Chetty said...

Oh I love the third shot, beautiful interplay beween dark and light - utterly lovely.

Jo Ashworth said...

yep the third one is still my fave, look forward to seeing your next mat shoot as well mandy

cazz said...

I love the one with her little girl...special moment captured.
These are fabulous mandy...great work!

Renee Bell said...

wow - great shots - she looks gorgeous!!!