Sunday, 7 June 2009


Grandparents share such a special bond with their grandies, and it was never more evident than on Thursday when I got to meet this family.

Joy was down from northern NSW for a short visit, and Laurie came over for the day too, so we got to make quite the occasion out of the day, with both Grandmas on hand! We had a great time, especially little Livvy, who was the centre of attention! A real star in the making. And I hope Lachie had a nice long sleep for you after all the excitement...

We were really lucky too because the sun was shining - but not for long - it bucketed down on me while I was driving home. Good timing.

Anyway guys, here is your sneak peek from the day. I will have your gallery ready for you in a few days.

Thanks again xox

0069 copy

0152 copy

0187 copy

0238 copy



Lovely shots. Specially that last one! *Meaghan

Louise Treacy said...

Great family photos - well done

kat said...

Wow, the last shot is so special!