Tuesday, 29 March 2011


I've talked before about the special bond that sisters share, and having two myself I can testify to that first hand. My sisters are my best friends. We share everything, laugh and fight. But we love each other wildly.

These two gorgeous little beans are going to grow up with a similar bond, you can already tell. I photographed Asher back in 2009 when she was teeny tiny, and when I went back for a visit last week I almost thought I was in the wrong house. She's grown up so much (as babies tend to do, I guess) and her big sis India has as well!

Their last session is here: Asher and India 2009

Last time we used the quaint little steps in the backyard to get some "still" shots of a very active toddler. This time it was the only way to get "still" shots of two gorgeous sisters together.

This is my first attempt at a more lifestyle shoot. Following the kids, allowing them to be themselves. I really enjoy the freedom in shooting this way, and it is the way I plan to shoot all my family sessions from now on. Let me know in the comments section what you think!

Thanks again Rachel for welcoming me into your home. I have so many gorgeous photos of your girls (and your bunny) for you, I couldn't keep the preview to just a few. Enjoy these and I'll be in touch soon xxx

India showing me how clever she is at pulling faces. I didn't encourage her. Much.

  And then we started to get tired, so headed inside for a story before bed...



LOVE! You see the world in such a beautiful way.

Sarah said...

These girls are just adorable and I love the way you've captured a little glimpse into their world, beautiful!

Rachel said...

Hi Mandy, thanks for these gorgeous photos, I can't wait to see the rest. I know they're mine but they are so adorable!! Chat soon, Rachel

Andrea said...

Awesome session, that last one is so gorgeous. Love the face pulling ones!!

Dani said...

you've just captured this family so beautifully Mandy..well done!

Pam Bradford said...

Wonderful shots of little girls being little girls...LOVE that last b&w set of 4.