Thursday, 24 February 2011

Hello? Are you there?

Yes yes, I know it's been a long time. Do you remember me? I used to blog here, and I haven't been around for a while. There are many many reasons, mostly due to a lot of soul searching, personal growth, fabulous mental/emotional achievements for myself, and well, basically, I lost my groove.

BUT! I am still shooting, I am still in business and I am still moving forward!!!

I have a few posts coming today, to tide you over until there are some fabulous new reveals of exciting adventures that are on the horizon. I've been dreaming folks, and I've been dreaming BIG. So stay tuned. You should probably "like" Relic Imagery on facebook too, so you can get all the info as soon as possible!

Over the next few posts I'm going to show a few little hints of what I've been up to for the last 3 months. Not a heaps of images, but enough. First up is beautiful Kylie and dashing Daniel, pregnant at around 35 weeks.

Til next time xxxxxxxx

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