Monday, 1 March 2010

Holly 3 months | Melbourne baby photographer

Remember this little bean??
Holly_0043 copy
Well, lil Holly is now a little over 3 months old, and still as cute as a button. She’s one of those babies that just get cuter and cuter every single time I see her. Luckily I get to see her on a regular basis, as her Mumma is one of my dearest friends <3

We are doing a shoot for Holly every three months and when she turns one we’ll bound it all together into an album for her to treasure as she grows up and has kids and grandkids of her own.

Miss Holly, my dolly. Mwah xox


Hannah said...

Gorgeous, Mandy! She is such a cutie pie.

Amy said...

Just love them Mandy!! All of them! :) Can't wait to see the rest and get more of her in her flowergirl dress! :) xo Amy

Ellen said...

Gorgeous photos Mandy... aaww.